Peace is a gift of God, but requires our efforts. Let us be people of peace in prayer and deed. #weprayforpeace
By Alan Hustak for Ville Marie Online
Wednesday, February 5th, 2022
Rev. Janil Joseph, a Trinitarian priest originally from Kerala, has been appointed an assistant curate at St. Patrick’s Basilica. Msgr. Francis J. Coyle has been without a permanent assistant since last September when Father Jason Piper was moved to Laval.
The youngest of three boys in a chef’s family, Father Janil was raised in the oriental Syro-Malabar Church and joined the Roman religious order when he was 17. Trinitarians have two houses in India, a minor seminary in Trichur (Kerala) and the other in Bangalore. Although most people think of India as primarily a Hindu country, it has a larger Catholic population than Canada. Bishop Mar Thomas Chakiath ordained Father Janil in 2008.
Father Janil arrived in Canada two years ago to join his community in LaSalle, and is learning French. He admits he has gone through a period of adjustment not only to the climate but also to the culture and the food. Because he is more comfortable in English, he agreed to come to St. Patrick’s.
“I wanted to be more creative and do something more meaningful for the people,” he said. Father Janil plays badminton several times a week and is a movie buff.
Introducing Father.Janil to the congregation on Feb. 2, Msgr. Coyle said the appointment is a further indication that St. Patrick’s is “the most ethnic, multicultural and multi-spiritual parish on the Island. I’m Third Order of St. Francis, Father Janil is a Trinitarian. Of the priests who have been filling in, Father Joe Morz is Jesuit, Father Eric Nicolai is Opus Dei and Father Joe Sullivan is a retired Diocesan. Why would you want to go anywhere else?”
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Peace is a gift of God, but requires our efforts. Let us be people of peace in prayer and deed. #weprayforpeace
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